Student Pastor  (full Time)


Position Title: Student Pastor

Supervisor: Senior Pastor

Principal Function:  To engage, equip, and empower the next generation of leaders in the church and in the world. 


  • Oversee all ministries related to students and their families.
  • The Children’s Director reports to this position.
  • Work with the Senior Pastor and other ministry leaders to determine a ministry strategy for the specific groups in related areas of responsibility.
  • Develop a sustainable ministry model and ministry teams that produce student leaders with a heart for their generation to know and follow Jesus.
  • Develop relationships with area schools and develop outreach strategies for students at local schools.
  • Coordinate ministry events and activities.
  • Lead in recruiting, training, and coordinating the work of volunteers in various aspects of related ministry areas.
  • Serve alongside the Senior Pastor in ministering to the church family as directed.
  • Organize retreats, conferences, and camps for spiritual growth and community.
  • Create engaging environments for students.
  • Develop new and creative pathways for discipleship among families.
  • Engage parents where they are and seek to develop deep relationships.
  • Develop, manage, and administrate the ministry budget.
  • Direct ministry activities as it relates to College-aged students and Young Adults.
  • Strengthen existing and develop new discipleship opportunities.
  • Develop a strategy to bridge discipleship within Wynnbrook from student ministry to adult discipleship.
  • Encourage and maintain relationships with students who move away for school.
  • Strategically plan mission trips (local, national, and international) for students to engage in mission opportunities.
  • Other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor.


  • Responsible to the church membership through the leadership of the Senior Pastor.
  • Responsible for developing and maintaining appropriate and positive ministry relationships with support staff, business staff, elected church leadership, and volunteer leadership of the church.


  • Maintain a positive spiritual attitude and personal walk with Jesus Christ.
  • Maintain balance in family life, personal life and ministry.
  • Maintain good grooming, modest dress, and a cooperative spirit.
  • Maintain financial integrity in personal finances.
  • Maintain open and offense-free relationships with the vocational staff.
  • Maintain appropriate boundaries in working with the opposite sex in ministry.


  • A born-again Christian, called, and committed to the evangelical commission of the New Testament Church.
  • A college or advanced degree is encouraged.
  • Mature in thought and action with established experience as a leader of people and service on a church staff.
  • Must excel at communication, relationships, and leadership.
  • Self-starter and innovator who can strategically develop new initiatives, teams, and events.
  • Believes and teaches the inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible.
  • Aligns with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
  • Passionate about reaching individuals and families for Christ.
  • Must exhibit a belief and practice of the Biblical tithe.
  • Meet the qualifications for Pastor as outlined in Scripture (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-16; 1 Peter 5:1-5).


The Associate Pastor for Students and Young Adults will serve as a full-time employee of Wynnbrook Baptist Church. This person will be expected to work 40+ hours each week and be on call as needed for ministry assistance. The Personnel Committee will establish a salary package commensurate with education and experience. The financial package will include salary, full health benefits, retirement, and other related benefits as described in the Personnel Policy.



Wynnbrook Baptist Church is in partnership with the Columbus Baptist Association, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, and the Southern Baptist Convention.

If you are interested in this position, please consider sending a cover letter, resume with references, and links of sermons you have given to